
2018-11-14 18:59:02


第二届“EAST-科技艺术教育国际大会”将于2018年11月17日-18日在中央美术学院举办,会议邀请国际知名艺术院校与科技艺术相关专业机构的创办者和专家学者做专题演讲,并就科技艺术教育及其方向的学科筹办等议题展开讨论。与会者将包括泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern),新美术馆(New Museum),韩国国立现代美术馆(MMCA)等艺术机构的科技艺术部门,以及罗伊·阿斯科特(Roy Ascott),邵志飞(Jeffrey Shaw)等著名科技艺术学者。



会议议程:1. 科技艺术教育国际图景及机构实践;2. 科技艺术机构的全球最新研究进展;3. 科技艺术教育的理论建设、传播展示以及与企业联合创新机制。


The 2nd EAST — International Conference on Education, Art, Science, and Technology will be held from November 17 to 18, 2018. Entrepreneurs, experts, and scholars of internationally renowned art, and technology institutions will deliver keynote speeches aimed at opening up the discussion on issues related to Art, Science, Technology(AST) education and the establishment of the AST discipline itself. Participants will include famous scholars such as Roy Ascott or Jeffrey Shaw as well as experts from well-known art institutions and colleges such as University College London (UCL), Tokyo‘s Inter-Communication Center (ICC), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), New York’s New Museum, and Seoul’s National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA).


Discussion Topics:

History, current status, and future trends of AST as well as tech-art sub-disciplines, such as the crossovers of art and biology, art and data science, and art and materials science.


Conference Agenda:

The current status of AST education around the world; the practices of AST educational institutions; The latest global progress in AST research; The establishment of a theoretical base as well as promotion and joint innovation mechanisms for AST education.



Time: 17th-18th November, 2018


Venue: North Auditorium, CAFA 










Roy Ascott

罗伊·阿斯科特 是国际媒体艺术领域的先驱和教育创新实践者,同时也是控制论和远程艺术的重要理论研究者。他曾于2014年获得奥地利林茨电子艺术节“远见先锋”媒体艺术奖项。

Roy Ascott is internationally recognized as a pioneer of new media art, an educational innovator, and the seminal theorist of cybernetic and telematic art.He was awarded the first Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica Award “Visionary Pioneer of Media Art” in 2014.


Jeffrey Shaw

邵志飞 自20世纪60年代以来一直是媒体艺术领域的重要人物。他是德国卡斯鲁尔ZKM视觉媒体中心的创始总监之一(1991-2002),并于 2009-2016年间担任香港城市大学创意媒体学院的院长和首席教授。

Jeffrey Shaw has been a leading figure in new media art since the 1960's. Shaw was founding director of the ZKM Institute for Visual Media Karlsruhe, Germany (1991-2002). Since 2009 Shaw has been Chair Professor of Media Art at City University in Hong Kong, Dean of the School of Creative Media from 2009-2016.


Derrick de Kerckhove

德里克·德·克霍夫 曾担任加拿大麦克卢汉文化与科技中心的总监(1983-2008),以及多伦多大学法语系教授(1967-2012)。他自1972至1980年担任文化与科技中心研究员,并和马歇尔·麦克卢汉共同工作了超过十年的时间,担任其翻译、助手与共同写作者。

Derrick de Kerckhove is former Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology (1983-2008) and Professor in the Department of French (1967-2012) at the University of Toronto. He was an associate of the Centre for Culture and Technology from 1972 to 1980 and worked with Marshall McLuhan for over ten years as translator, assistant and co-author.


Zachary Kaplan

扎赫·卡普兰 是“根茎”项目的总监。

Zachary Kaplan is Executive Director of Rhizome. 
Rhizome is the leading art organization dedicated to born-digital art and culture. Founded in 1996, affiliated with the New Museum since 2003. Rhizome has played an integral role in the history, definition, and proliferation of art engaged with networked technologies.


Fionnuala Cavanagh

菲奥努阿娜·卡瓦纳 是泰特数字项目的制作人。

泰特数字项目(Tate Digital)是泰特美术馆的数字部门,它致力于创造丰富的内容体验,以更好地展现泰特的收藏、展厅与展览内容。

Fionnuala Cavanagh is a producer of Tate Digital.
Tate Digital champions art and artists by creating rich content experiences to showcase the collection, galleries & exhibitions.


Soojung YI

李秀貞 是韩国国立现代美术馆的策展人。


Soojung YI is a curator of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. 

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art(MMCA) is the only national museum of art in Korea, also a significant place for cultural and art practices. 


Minoru hatanaka

畠中實 是日本互动艺术中心(ICC)的首席策展人。

Minoru hatanaka is Chief Curator, NTT InterCommunication Center(ICC), Tokyo, Japan. Since its founding, the ICC has introduced leading-edge technologies in media art works including virtual reality and interactive multimedia, as well as holding format and category-defying exhibitions, introducing experimental trials and programs including workshops, performances, symposiums, and publications.

Clarence Ng

Clarence Ng是日本山口情报艺术中心(YCAM) 的策展人。

Clarence Ng,curator
The Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, commonly known as “YCAM”. Operating around a central axis defined by the pursuit of new artistic expression incorporating media technology, the Center has been hosting a variety of events including exhibitions, performances, movie screenings, workshops for children, etc. since its opening in November 2003.


Charmian Griffins

莎米安·格里芬斯 是Artangel数字部门的总监。

Charmian Griffins is Head of Digital at Artangel. 

Artangel are a London-based organization who, for the last three decades, have been commissioning and producing extraordinary art in unexpected places.  Notable works include Rachel Whiteread's House (1993), Michael Landy's Break Down (2001), and Roni Horn's VATNASAFN/Library of Water (2007).


Christl Baur

克里斯托·鲍尔 是一名研究者、策展人和文化制作人,自2016年起她工作于奥地利林茨电子艺术节团队。
VERTIGO获得欧洲H2020 STARTS项目的支持,STARTS项目关注与科学、技术和艺术的创新。

Christl Baur is a researcher, curator and cultural producer, who has been working with Ars Electronica since 2016.
VERTIGO is funded under the H2020 European STARTS initiative, innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS. STARTS promotes the arts as catalysts for efficient conversion of science and technology knowledge into products, services, and processes.


Yang Yang



Dr. Yang Yang is a full professor at ShanghaiTech University, China, and is currently the Executive Dean of School of Creativity and Art.

ShanghaiTech University is a newly-founded small-scale research university focusing on education and research in different science and technology subjects.


Daehyung Lee


Daehyung Lee, art critic, curator, Art Director of ARTLAB, Hyundai Motor Company.


Simon Mahony 

 西蒙·马奥尼 是伦敦大学学院数字人文中心总监,伦敦大学学院信息研究系数字人文首席教员。

Simon Mahony is Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities and Principal Teaching Fellow in Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies, University College London (UCL). 
Founded in 2010, the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH) is a cross-faculty research centre.


Christa Sommerer

克里斯塔·索莫勒 是著名的媒体艺术家,以及奥地利林茨艺术设计大学的教授,她与劳伦·米格农尼奥共同担任媒体学院的界面文化专业主任。

Christa Sommerer is a Professor at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where she, together with Laurent Mignonneau, head the Department for Interface Culture at the Institute for Media.

The University of Art and Design Linz disposes of all preconditions to evolve, alongside Vienna, into the second centre of basic and advanced teacher training for all artistic and design disciplines.


Jin-Yo Mok

睦镇耀 是媒体艺术家,首尔媒体艺术组合Jonpasang的成员,同时也是延世大学数字艺术方向的教授。他近期参与的项目包括担任韩国平昌冬奥会开闭幕式的媒体艺术和影像导演;他于2015年担任韩国光州亚洲文化中心(ACC)的艺术总监。

Jin-Yo Mok is a media artist, director of Seoul-based media artists group Jonpasang, and professor of Yonsei University in Digital Art. He recently worked on the opening and closing ceremonies of PyeongChang Winter Olympics as a media art & video director; in 2015 as an artistic director of Asia Culture Center, Gwangju Korea.

DooEun Choi

DooEun Choi是一名独立策展人,2020年蒙特利尔国际数字艺术双年展(BIAN)的策展人,达拉斯光艺术双年展的共同策展人,她亦曾担任首尔Nabi艺术中心的首席策展人。

DooEun Choi is an independent curator, curator for BIAN 2020 in Montreal, co-curator for Aurora Biennale in Dallas. Choi has recently worked as chief curator of Art Center Nabi in Seoul.

主编 | 吴琼

编辑 | 何逸凡



CAFA讲座丨方振宁谈马列维奇 “至上主义:绘画归零”